Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences-2020-2021 Academic Year Application Announcement for Addmission of International Students
- Başvurular Enstitümüz web sayfasından ONLINE yapılacaktır. (Application will be made ONLINE via the institution web page)
- Adaylar sadece tek Anabilim Dalına müracaat edebilirler. Başvuru yapan adaylar, başvurularına onay verdikten sonra Anabilim Dalı değişikliği yapamazlar. (Candidates can apply only to a single department. Applicant cannot make any changes in the department after they submit the application.)
- E-posta ile başvuru kabul edilmeyecektir. (E-mail application will not be accepted.)
Dear Applicant,
The education fee was mistakenly indicated as 1.100,00 Turkish Liras. Now, it has been corrected as 2.000,00 (Two thousand) Turkish Liras in the Announcement of Graduate Programs for International Student.
Best Wishes.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.
Son Güncelleme Tarihi : 15.06.2020