Öğrenme Kaynakları 
1Introduction of the course and giving information about the resources 2 Conceptual framework: Character, personality/personality, value, virtue, morality, temperament, etc.; 3 Definition and classification of values; 4 Sources and individual, social, cultural, religious and moral foundations of values; 5 Character and Values ??Education in Terms of Educational Philosophies and Goals 6 Character and values ??education approaches and practices 7 Teaching Methods and Techniques in Character and Values ??Education 8 Teacher as a Role Model in Character and Values ??Education 9 Character development and education; family in character development and education 10 The Role of School and Environment in Character Development and Education 11 Intercultural differentiation and culture of living together in character and value education 12 Value Education in the Human-Cultural Development Process 13 Examples of values ??education from Turkish education and cultural history 14 Values ??education practices in Turkey and researchEdt. Ekşi, H & Katılmış, A.( 2020) Karakter ve Değerler Eğitimi, Nobel Yayınları, İstanbul Edt. Ersoy, F.A., & Ünüvar, P.(2019) Karakter ve Değerler eğitimi, Anı yayınları, Ankara. Edt.Turan, R., & Ulusoy, K.(2019)Farklı Yönleriyle Değerler Eğitimi, Pegem Yayınları, Ankara Edt. Köylü, M. (2016) Teoriden Pratiğe Değerler Eğitimi, Nobel Yayınları, İstanbul Edt.Dilmaç, B., & Bircan, H. H. (2019). Değerler ve Değerler Psikolojisi, Pegem Yayınları, Ankara Edt. Paterson, R.W. K. (2010). Values, Education and Adult, Routledge, New York Edt. Stephenson, J.& Ling, L., Burman, E., Cooper, M., (1998)Values in Education , Routledge, New York