
The main purpose of our faculty is to raise qualified students who are having the ability to use varied communication tools offered by communication technologies, adhering to professional principles and universal values, equipped with intellectual and practical knowledge, having working discipline as much as productive, respecting themselves and society as well, thinking critically, acting independently and impartially and carrying out their work with public duty awareness. 

Established in 2011, our faculty offers undergraduate education in Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising and Radio, Television and Cinema Departments. All the programs of our faculty, which are prepared in line with our basic education and educational objectives and within the framework of scientific criteria, are constantly updated by the developing and changing nature of the field of communication and are adapted to the requirements of the era.

We prepare our students for the future with an understanding of student-centered management and education. Besides, we encourage our students to spend some of their education in different higher education institutions in Turkey or abroad through Farabi, Mevlana, Erasmus programs and thus, to know both our country and the world better.

We continue to work in collaboration with our internal and external stakeholders, with a continuous understanding of progress and change, to achieve our goals, to think analytically, to question, to have theoretical and practical knowledge, to have a vision, to train qualified communication experts.

Latest Update:03.11.2023