SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS:Creating a departmental culture based on common sense, participation and open communication.Creation of process management mechanisms based on merit and continuous improvement. The number of faculty members, their qualifications, and their capacity to represent the department with national and international studies within the scope of R&D processes are high. In the ECTS information packages created in line with the Bologna Process criteria, the achievements of all courses and program outputs are associated and shared openly on the unit network page. Sufficient physical and technological infrastructure. The internship course has been added to the lesson plans. Availability of postgraduate (master's and doctoral) programs.Academic staff and students can benefit from existing exchange and cooperation programs.Having an active student club.Existence of a departmental advisory board that will strengthen communication with external stakeholders.Providing academic support to students in career management.Graduates are equipped to find employment in the public and private sectors. WEAKNESSES:Failure to adequately integrate practice and field studies into courses. Interdisciplinary cooperation opportunities are limited.Public-industry and department cooperation is not at the desired level.The number of faculty members with experience abroad is low.Insufficient number of students benefiting from exchange programs.Increasing student motivation and requiring intense effort for active participation.The number of students benefiting from the opportunity to learn English in the optional preparatory class is insufficient. OPPORTUNİTİES:Possibility of cooperation with the Turkish world.Opportunity for cooperation with business departments in neighboring universities.Niğde's central location.Student-centered, communicative, innovative and entrepreneurial senior management.Nature-friendly campus that hosts scientific, social, sports and cultural events.No housing problem. Employment opportunities for department graduates are many and diverse. THREATS: Changes in higher education legislation negatively affect education and research activities.The rapid change in the thinking and learning mechanisms of new generations and the need to develop department-specific education and training methods appropriate to these.The city is not attractive in terms of its development level. Migration of qualified population to big cities. Prospective students want to continue their lives in big cities where social opportunities are more. Airline transportation problem.The number of private sector and industrial organizations where students can do internships is low.Intense competition among graduates.