The Department Board
Head of Department Prof. Dr. Asım Soylu
0388 225 4220  
Co-Head of Department 

Co-Head of Department

 Head of Solid State Physics Division Prof. Dr. Adil Canımoğlu  0388 225 4082  
 Head of Nuclear Physics Division  Prof. Dr. Asım 0388 225 4220  
 Head of Atom Molecule Physics Division  Prof. Dr. Orhan Yalçın  0388 225 4068 
 Head of General Physics Division  Prof. Dr. Ahmet Baykal 0388 225 4084 
 Head of Hig Energy and Plasma Physics Division  Prof. Dr. Zafer Nergiz 0388 225 4080  
 Erasmus Coordinator of the Department Prof. Dr. Adil Canımoğlu 0388 225 4082
 Mevlana Coordinator of the Department  Prof. Dr. Asım Soylu 225 4220  
 Farabi Coordinator of the Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Taner Tanrıverdi 
0388 225 4219
Latest Update:19.10.2023