
General Information

Marketing and Advertising Programme

The Programme of Marketing and Advertising starts education as a part of Nigde Social Sciences Vocational High School with formal and evening educations. The Education period of the programme is two years.

Due to the advances in technology, global economic investments, and issues related to Turkey’s EU membership, our country has a lack of Marketing and Advertising sector. Legal arrangements are not only enough to be able to fulfill those gaps and to reach the levels of Western Countries. In addition to the legal regulations, the main purpose is to follow the technological innovations closely to educate staffs that are authorized to use those technologies for marketing, and to be able to employ staffs that are experts of this field of the study. This programme aims to educate qualified staff that can work in an intermediate position. The Marketing and Advertising Programme aims to educate intermediate personnel that can understand the rapid change of the today’s commerce sector; to be able to recognize innovative instruments of marketing, new marketing cooperation and their techniques of applications, and especially can know marketing strategies and be able define them, be able to think about them, be able to solve problems, have the ability of analytical thinking. For graduation, students that are enrolled in the programme must take and pass a total of 120 ECTS successfully from the 34 courses that are presented in the curriculum and also must complete 30 work-days of internships. Instructional time is four semesters. First and second semesters students take compulsory and general purpose courses. In the first and second semesters, students take courses of 20 hours with totally 30 ECTS. In the second and third semesters, students will take 4 courses with at least 16 ECTS and in one year, students take 8 elective courses. The vocational courses of the programme are carried out by two assistant professors and a lecturer. Students that graduate can attend to the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences after passing the graduate transfer exam.

Also graduated students can attend related study fields of correspondence School of Anadolu University to complete their undergraduate degree and also grad students who attend, start from the third degree without any examination. Graduates are also awarded the diploma of associate degree and receive the title of Marketing Member of Profession.

According to “NigdeHYPERLINK "" University's Rules HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK "" Regulations for Undergraduate Education", students who enroll in Nigde University could be exempted from some courses. In order to be exempted from some courses, students have to apply and obtain an approval for their exempted courses from the management board of the department. In order to graduate from this department candidates must accomplish the courses (total 120 ECTS) with a minimum GPA of 2.00 out of 4.00. In Nigde University, examinations are prepared based on Bologna Process student work load and in accordance with the “NigdeHYPERLINK "" University's Rules HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK "" Regulations for Undergraduate Education".


To train qualified marketing and advertising professionals at local and global level who are equipped with scientific and technological infrastructure, can think universally, are innovative, participatory, have broad horizons, have professional competence and self-confidence.

To be a program that has the high standards required by the Marketing and Advertising profession, modern, environmentalist, innovative, sharing, educating qualified personnel preferred by the global business and trade world and proud to be a member.

Aims and Objectives


To educate qualified staff that can work in local and global levels of marketing and also to educate staff that equipped with the scientific and technological infrastructure, to improve their universal thinking, broad vision, professional competence and self-respect and to encourage them to be innovative and participatory.


The main target of our department is to be one of the most wanted departments that train new vocational members who are needed in our country. Also, to train Marketing and Advertising members who already have the necessary scientific and social skills, who can follow up the upper levels of education, who have the ability of leadership and critical thinking, with the ability of producing innovative solutions and also to be a programme that educates the members of professions of the field of Marketing and Advertising that have higher standards, innovative, environmentalist, modern, partaker and be favored in the world of global and commercial businesses and being proud of as a part of this programme.

Level of Qualification and Qualification Awarded

Upon successful completion of this programme, students are awarded with the qualification of the Associate Degree in MARKETING and ADVERTISING.

An Associate Degree Programme in MARKETING and ADVERTISING is a 120 ECTS Credits, 2-year program. The programme meets the requirements by both the ECTS credits and level descriptors of the short cycle degree qualifications of the Overarching Framework of European Qualifications Framework HE(QF-EHEA) and the 5th level qualifications of the Turkish Qualifications Framework for HE (TYYÇ, NQF-HETR). The level descriptors also meet the 5th level requirements of the qualifications of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF-LLL).

Specific Admission Requirements

Admission of national students to the MARKETINING and ADVERTISING program is allowed through the nationally centralized Student Selection Examination (YGS) conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM). Candidates who succeed in the YGS examination are enrolled according to their type of YGS6 score preferences.

Admission of foreign students is possible through an evaluation of students’ individual application to the university.For further and detailed information please visit General Admission Requirementsand Registration Proceduresin the menu items of the Information on the Institution.

For further information, please contact to Nigde University International Office.

Contact: International Office

Nigde University, Main Campus, 51240 Niğde, TÜRKİYE

Phone: 0 388 225 21 48
Fax: 0 388 225 23 85



Specific Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning

With an understanding of lifelong learning, Nigde University recognizes the previously taken courses in another institution and exempts them from graduation credit, as long as the courses match with the learning outcomes of the registered programme at Nigde University. The learning outcome match and the exemption are decided by the Faculty Board in line with the related laws and regulations.

Profile of the Programme

Marketing and AdvertisingProgramme provides high quality standardized education to students and enable them to follow innovative technologies and to ensure students to attain implicational and theoretical studies during education period. The associate degree programme is designed based on the mutual education strategy and using the practice of gaining experience with applications. By doing so, new technological trends will become more easy to trace. The Programme contains primarily Business Administration, Marketing, Advertising, Sales Management and Public Relations. Thus, it is aimed to provide students to have the skills to apply the knowledge of Marketing, Advertising, Sales and Communication; to understand different areas of Marketing and to specialize at least in one of them; and to participate in creative and integrative design activities as well.

Associate degree of (Short Cycle in QF-EHEA and 5th level in TYYÇ)is a vocationally-oriented "short cycle" degree program giving access to degree and non-degree research programme and professional practice demanding high levels of knowledge and skills. The classification of the program with respect to "ISCED (The International Standard Classification of Education) 2011" and "NQF-HETR (The Turkish Qualifications Framework for HYPERLINK ""HEHYPERLINK "")" and the codes of the fields of education can be listed as follows:

· ISCED Field of Education: 34 – Business and administration

· ISCED 2011 Level: 5, Orientation (Profile): 55, Subcategory: 554 - Vocationally-oriented "short cycle" degree

· NQF-HETR Field of Education: 34 – Business and administration

· NQF-HETR Profile of Education: Vocationally-oriented "short cycle" degree

Learning and Teaching Methods

The most frequently used Instructional Methods of the educational programmes of Nigde University are given below. Programmes commonly apply these methods as appropriate instructional approaches in accordance with their aims and objectives. The instructional methods applied for achieving the goal of meeting the expected learning outcomes at the Marketing and Advertising programme at large are indicated in the section of ‘programme learning outcomes’, and those methods utilized for individual course units are indicated in the relevant section of “ description of individual course unit’.

Examples of Learning and Teaching Methods

Lecture & In-Class Activities

Field Studies

Group Work


Assignment (Homework)

Project Work



Technical Visit

Web Based Learning


Practice at a workplace

Occupational Activity

Social Activity

Thesis Work

Field Study

Report Writing

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The sector of marketing and advertising has a nature of being global, which provides career opportunities in Turkey, Europe and other countries. Our graduates, based on their personal skills and preferences, can be employed in many areas such as marketing, advertising and customer relationship management. They can also have the chance of being employed in Small and Medium sized Enterprises like advertising agencies, banks, marketing and in Conglomerates and multinational firms. And also our graduates can attend undergraduate education in Turkey and also in international universities.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

In order to obtain proficiency and graduation from MARKETING and ADVERTISING, students have to

Complete all the courses designated within the curriculum of the programme, having a total of 120 ECTS Credits, with passing grades.

Achieve of a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.

Complete 40 working days (10 ECTS credits) of the summer practice

For detailed information: Please see "NigdeHYPERLINK "" University's Rules HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK "" Regulations for Undergraduate Education"

Access to Further Studies

Students who accomplished the program can enroll in undergraduate departments that are related to MARKETING AND ADVERTISING via taking the Graduate Transfer Exam prepared by Student Selection and Placement Center. After taking adaptation courses, students can continue their education in the 3rd class of the program that they are placed. In addition to that, graduate students have an opportunity to enroll directly in Correspondence School of Anadolu University without taking any examination and continue their education in the 3rd class. After graduation, they can achieve a Bachelor certificate.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

The methods applied for assessment of the achievement of the expected program learning outcomes for the entire program of MARKETING and ADVERTISING are shown below and those for the individual course units are given in the relevant section of the course description with their contribution to the final grades.

· Mid-Term Exam

· Final Exam

· Make-up Exam

· Short Exam

· Homework Assessment

· Presentation of Report

· Computer Based Presentation

· Presentation of Thesis

· Presentation of Document


The success of students in achieving the expected learning outcomes of the each course unit within the curriculum of MARKETING and ADVERTISING programme is evaluated via assessments of in-term activities and final examination which takes place at the end of each semester.

Assessment of in-term activities includes a minimum number of a mid-term examination, homework and a short-exam (quiz) as compulsory assessment methods for all the course units within all degree programmes defined by the Regulations. The programmes are encouraged to define more assessment methods for the in-term activities depending on their needs for measuring the achievements of the outcomes at the programme and course unit levels in order to ensure the educational aims and objectives. The nature and number of the assessment methods used for each course unit together with their contribution to the final grades are given under the title of “Assessment and Grading” in the sections of course descriptions. These arrangements are announced in advance, at the beginning of each semester and published in the sections of the course descriptions on this web site.

Mid-term and final examinations are conducted in dates, places and times determined and announced by the University. The students’ final semester grade is given by their instructors based on mid-term examination, homework evaluation, short-examinations, final examination and other assessment resultsby taking into account of the students’ compliance with attendance to the course activities.

The contributions of the grades of the in-term activities and final exam grade to the final success grade of a course are determined by the course instructor and announced to students within the first two weeks of the semester. Moreover, the contribution of the final exam cannot be less than 40 % and higher than 60% for all the courses within all the degree programmes defined by the Regulations.

Course units, which do not require a mid-term, homework, short-exam and/or a final exam, such as work placement, are determined by the administration of the related departments and specific assessment and grading methods for these courses are also announced through the same channels described above. Evaluation of such activities is made through the procedures defined by the Senate and assessed by Pass (P) or Fail (F) grades.


The success of a student for each assessment (in-term and final) defined for each course unit is evaluated by the instructor. Evaluations are made over a scale of 100 points and converted to the letter grades at the end of the semester by taking into account the standard deviation of grades and grade point average of the class and using the relative evaluation method, principles of which have been set by the Senate.

Please see the section of “Grade Evaluation” for detailed information.

Graduation Requirements

In order for a student to graduate from MARKETING and ADVERTISING programme, the following conditions must be met:

· Completion of all the courses designated within the curriculum of the programme, having a total of 120 ECTS Credits, with passing grades.

· Achievement of a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.

· Completion of with a 40 working days (10 ECTS credits) of the summer practice

For detailed information: Please see "NigdeHYPERLINK "" university's Rules HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK "" Regulations for Undergraduate Education"

Mode of Study

MARKETING and ADVERTISINGProgramme at Nigde University has a full time / face to face education.

Grade Evaluation

Success Grade

Success grade is determined by evaluating the tests scores out of 100. Status in a lesson is determined by success grade. Success grade is determined by the joint evaluation of semester success grade obtained from studies carried out during semester and success grade obtained from general exams held at the end of the semester. Studies carried out during semester are attendance to course and application, field work, practice, assignment, project, internship, workshop, seminar, laboratory and similar studies. Determining the student semester success grade, these studies can be evaluated in certain rate with mid-term exam in the last week stated in the academic calendar. The impact of general exam to course success score can be minimum 40 % and maximum 60 %. Within the first two weeks of the semester, the instructor in charge of course announces the impact rates of semester success grade and general exams to success grade in addition to the application type of studies carried out during semester by students in order to be regarded as successful.

Relative evaluation system is used in calculation of success grade. In relative evaluation, arithmetic average of course success score of all students taking course and statistical distribution are taken into account. Implementation principles of relative evaluation system are determined by the Senate.

Letter Grade and Grade Points are determined as below

Course Grade

Grade Points



















a) S: Successful in the non-credit courses,

b) U: Unsuccessful in the non-credit courses,

c) P: Successful in the annual courses at the end of the first semester,

d) EX: Successful in the exemption exam fulfilled by the university,

e) NI: Course grades apart from weighted average,

f) NA: Unsuccessful because the students have failed to regularly attend courses or have not fulfilled the requirements of the course practices in order to take the general exam,

g) T: Transfer course grade.

The students who get one of the following grades AA, BA, BB, CB, CC, S and EX are considered to be successful. The ones who have obtained the grade DC or DD from one or several courses are considered as successful on condition that they complete the courses in the semester for which they registered with the academic average of 2,00 and above. "T" stands for the received course grade of the transferred students from other departments and universities and its equivalence is adopted by the Faculty/School Board on the recommendation of Department Chair. It is not included in GPA calculations.

Academic Average

Success of a student is determined by calculating Semester Point Average and Grade Point Average. Weighted grade point is calculated by multiplying the course credit with the coefficient.

Semester point average is calculated by dividing the total amount of weighted grade points of courses that should be taken in the semester by the total amount of credit hours attempted. Annual courses are included in the spring term point average.

General point average is calculated by dividing the total amount of weighted grade points of courses that should be taken throughout the whole university education by the total amount of credit hours attempted.

When calculating academic average, two digits after the decimal point are taken. The number in the second digit is enhanced one on condition that the number in the third digit after decimal point is five and above.

Minor and double major courses and S and T grade courses even if stated in academic plan are not considered in calculating academic average. The last taken grade is included in academic average in repeated courses.

Students can optionally repeat DD, DC and CC grade courses to increase their academic average. The last taken grades of these courses are included in academic average.

Program Outcomes of The Program

To have the job knowledge about Marketing and Advertising

To commend on and examine the statement sheet and income statement

Maximum costumer pleasure, to be able to recognize new terms in marketing

To be sophisticated with costumer relationship and human resourses.

To have got the general information about Marketing and Advertising and also accustom to commerce law.

To be educated based on equipped with computer skills directly related of member of profession.

Learning Outcomes of Program

To know the responsibilies of being a main staff or manager assistant in Marketing and Advertising companies.

To be able to explain the importance of group and indivudial research, development , and execution.

To be able to understande the importance of tracking the legislation about the field of study.

To explain the importance (bankacılık yerine pazarlama ve reklamcılık olarak çevirdim) of Marketing and Advertising for national economy and the companies.

Via using computer, to be able to do competitions, save information, to use saved information

To undertake the responsibilities of the staff working under.

To take responsibilities at management positions.

To gain the skills of finding solutions of daily problems in commerce and making the right decision.

To take responsibility in the field of Marketing and Advertising and when the legal background is done, to be able to start own company and also be able to train new intermediate staff.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The sector of marketing and advertising has a nature of being global, which provides career opportunities in Turkey, Europe and other countries. Our graduates, based on their personal skills and preferences, can be employed in many areas such as marketing, advertising and customer relationship management. They can also have the chance of being employed in Small and Medium sized Enterprises like advertising agencies, banks, marketing and in Conglomerates and multinational firms. And also our graduates can attend undergraduate education in Turkey and also in international universities.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

In order to obtain proficiency and graduation from MARKETING and ADVERTISING, students have to
Complete all the courses designated within the curriculum of the programme, having a total of 120 ECTS Credits, with passing grades.
Achieve of a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
Complete 40 working days (10 ECTS credits) of the summer practice
For detailed information: Please see "Nigde University's Rules & Regulations for Undergraduate Education"

Access to Further Studies

Students who accomplished the program can enroll in undergraduate departments that are related to MARKETING AND ADVERTISING via taking the Graduate Transfer Exam prepared by Student Selection and Placement Center. After taking adaptation courses, students can continue their education in the 3rd class of the program that they are placed. In addition to that, graduate students have an opportunity to enroll directly in Correspondence School of Anadolu University without taking any examination and continue their education in the 3rd class. After graduation, they can achieve a Bachelor certificate.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

The methods applied for assessment of the achievement of the expected program learning outcomes for the entire program of MARKETING and ADVERTISING are shown below and those for the individual course units are given in the relevant section of the course description with their contribution to the final grades.
· Mid-Term Exam
· Final Exam
· Make-up Exam
· Short Exam
· Homework Assessment
· Presentation of Report
· Computer Based Presentation
· Presentation of Thesis
· Presentation of Document


The success of students in achieving the expected learning outcomes of the each course unit within the curriculum of MARKETING and ADVERTISING programme is evaluated via assessments of in-term activities and final examination which takes place at the end of each semester.

Assessment of in-term activities includes a minimum number of a mid-term examination, homework and a short-exam (quiz) as compulsory assessment methods for all the course units within all degree programmes defined by the Regulations. The programmes are encouraged to define more assessment methods for the in-term activities depending on their needs for measuring the achievements of the outcomes at the programme and course unit levels in order to ensure the educational aims and objectives. The nature and number of the assessment methods used for each course unit together with their contribution to the final grades are given under the title of “Assessment and Grading” in the sections of course descriptions. These arrangements are announced in advance, at the beginning of each semester and published in the sections of the course descriptions on this web site.

Mid-term and final examinations are conducted in dates, places and times determined and announced by the University. The students’ final semester grade is given by their instructors based on mid-term examination, homework evaluation, short-examinations, final examination and other assessment results by taking into account of the students’ compliance with attendance to the course activities.

The contributions of the grades of the in-term activities and final exam grade to the final success grade of a course are determined by the course instructor and announced to students within the first two weeks of the semester. Moreover, the contribution of the final exam cannot be less than 40 % and higher than 60% for all the courses within all the degree programmes defined by the Regulations.

Course units, which do not require a mid-term, homework, short-exam and/or a final exam, such as work placement, are determined by the administration of the related departments and specific assessment and grading methods for these courses are also announced through the same channels described above. Evaluation of such activities is made through the procedures defined by the Senate and assessed by Pass (P) or Fail (F) grades.


The success of a student for each assessment (in-term and final) defined for each course unit is evaluated by the instructor. Evaluations are made over a scale of 100 points and converted to the letter grades at the end of the semester by taking into account the standard deviation of grades and grade point average of the class and using the relative evaluation method, principles of which have been set by the Senate.
Please see the section of “Grade Evaluation” for detailed information.

Graduation Requirements

In order for a student to graduate from MARKETING and ADVERTISING programme, the following conditions must be met:
· Completion of all the courses designated within the curriculum of the programme, having a total of 120 ECTS Credits, with passing grades.
· Achievement of a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
· Completion of with a 40 working days (10 ECTS credits) of the summer practice

For detailed information: Please see "Nigde university's Rules & Regulations for Undergraduate Education"

Mode of Study

MARKETING and ADVERTISING Programme at Nigde University has a full time / face to face education.

Latest Update:25.12.2024