Organizing Committees

Honorary Chairs

Prof. Dr. Hasan USLU - Rector of NOHU

Prof. Dr. Yerlan Sydykov - Rector of ENU

Prof. Dr. Alpaslan CEYLAN - Rector of  KTMU



Prof. Dr. Murat Barut –Director of Research and Application Center on Culture and Education of Kazakhstan, NOHU, Turkey (NOHU)

Prof. Dr. Gulnara Merzadinova, Vice Rector of Science (ENU)

Prof. Dr. Nahit Aktaş,  Head of Chemical Engineering Department (KTMU)


Executive Committee:

Members of Executive Committee (NOHU/Turkey):
Prof. Dr. Yağmur ŞENER, Vice Rector
Prof. Dr. Murat BARUT, Research and Application Center on Culture and Education of Kazakhstan, Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Dr. Ayten ÖZTÜRK, Faculty of Science and Arts
Prof. Dr. Zeliha SELAMOĞLU, Faculty of Medicine
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil TOKTAY, Agricultural Sciences and Technologies Faculty

Members of Executive Committee (ENU/Kazakistan):
Merzadinova Gulnara, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Co-chairman
Serikov Rollan , Director of the Department of Science and Innovation L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Member of the organizing committee
Karmeluk Anastasiya, Director of International Cooperation Department, Member of the organizing committee
Seipisheva Assel, Head of the Science Department L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Member of the organizing committee
Tachshanova Assem, Chief Specialist of the Science Department L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Member of the organizing committee


Members of Executive Committee (KTMU/Kırgızistan):

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Beşe, Chief Advisor to the Rector 

Prof. Dr. Nahit Aktaş, Faculty of Engineering, KTMU Co-Chairman

Prof. Dr. , Fahreddin Abdullayev, Faculty of Science  

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kobya,  Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dolaz,  Faculty of Engineering 


NOHU Local Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Ersen Turaç, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Dr. Hakan DemirFaculty of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Dr. Metin Hakan Severcan, Faculty of Engineering 
Prof. Dr. Neslihan Doğan Sağlamtimur, Faculty of Engineering 
Doç. Dr. Bora Timurkutluk, Faculty of Engineering  
Doç. Dr. Recep Zan, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Allah Bakhsh,  Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology 
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Esin Canlı, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Hakan Karaca, Faculty of Architecture

Latest Update:04.03.2022