SWOT Analysis
1. The fact that there are a sufficient number of instructors.
2. The fact that lecturers master theoretic and practice.
3. The fact that students intensely prefer the program.
4. The fact that teamwork can easily be built.
5. The fact that there is machine equipment in the laboratory.

1. The fact that transportation is problematic and rare.
2. The fact that students coming from vocational training have weak numeric skills.
3. Lack of institutions in the education based on industry.
4. Lack of machinery equipments to be given to the students.
5. Lack of practicing equipments in application circuits.


1. Socially good interaction with other programs.

1. The fact that the formation of the program in regard to European standards is completed.
2. Deficiency of doctorate studies of instructors.
Latest Update:07.02.2024