SWOT Analysis


1. Every year desired number of students can be found.
2. There is need for graduated students in respect to their working areas.
3. The opportunity for Graduated students to find job either in private sector or in governmental institution.
4. The fact that the department has sufficient number of instructors.
5. The fact that there is opportunity for advancement in professional and technical education.
6. The fact that it is an actively working program.


1. The fact that there are not sufficient numbers of laboratory facilities.
2. The fact that the number of the machine tools and toolkits are not sufficient in proportion to student number.


1. The fact that the program is in a sector which is always alive.
2. The fact that the technological progresses in the field are followed.
3. The fact that students are able to become more professional in the field by transitioning to engineering and technical education.

1. The difficulty in transportation because of the location of the school is our biggest threat!

Latest Update:20.10.2023