  1. To provide students with the ability to identify, analyze and find solutions to problems related to Rail Systems Machinery Technology.
  2. To train professional staff who meet industry expectations and have national and international knowledge, skills and competencies.
  3. To provide students with the ability to convey their thoughts in written and oral form in order to inform people and institutions on issues related to Rail Systems MachineryTechnology.
  4. To ensure that students can transfer the theoretical knowledge they have acquired about Rail Systems Machinery Technology into practice.
  5. To provide students with the ability to follow the process(es) related to Rail Systems Machinery Technology in a way that meets the expectations of the sector.
  6. To provide students with the ability to access information, research resources for this purpose, and use information sources correctly.
  7. To train technicians who are prone to teamwork, have high communication skills and professional self-confidence.
  8. To raise individuals who are open to continuous learning, follow and implement innovations, and respect ethical values.
Latest Update:25.12.2024