Program Outcomes
PO1.Its transfer to the executive music information.
PO2.Self-improvement and gain proficiency in the field of music.
PO3.In music applications, concerts gain the ability to prepare the work program in line with the target.
PO4.In the field of artistic practices, to acquire the skills of problem resolution process.
PO5.Acting independently, take initiative and creativity skills to win.
PO6.Ability to work in groups and acquire the ability to take responsibility.
PO7.Science, art, and gain self-development ability to follow developments on contemporary issues.
PO8.Its ideas in written, oral or artistic endeavor which takes to acquire the ability to express it.
PO9.Gaining the ability to be of professional and ethical responsibility.
PO10.To transfer the available knowledge on the winning choir and instrumental ensemble skills.
PO11.National and international contemporary issues and gain the ability to follow developments.
PO12.To have the ability to gain sensitive social issues.