Merkezimizin ismini taşıdığı çok kıymetli bilim insanı Prof. Dr. Turhan Nejat VEZİROĞLU vefat etmiştir.

September 6, 2024 

A Life Dedicated to Clean Energy: Dr. Turhan Nejat Veziroglu

Dr. Turhan Nejat Veziroglu stands as a pioneer in the field of hydrogen energy. His dedication to a cleaner future is evident in his numerous contributions, from founding key institutions to prolific research.

Veziroglu's academic journey is itself impressive. He earned an honorary professorship from China's Ministry of Education and later received honorary doctorates from universities in Turkey and Ukraine. This recognition laid the groundwork for his impactful work.

A firm believer in the potential of hydrogen as a sustainable energy source, Veziroglu became a driving force in the field. He played a pivotal role in the establishment of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE). This organization, a global platform for hydrogen research and development, continues to be instrumental in advancing the technology.

Further demonstrating his commitment, Veziroglu founded the Clean Energy Research Institute at the University of Miami. This institute serves as a hub for research on clean energy solutions, including hydrogen technology. It fosters collaboration and innovation, pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Veziroglu's influence extended beyond academia. Recognizing the need for international collaboration, he championed the creation of the UNIDO-ICHET (International Center for Hydrogen Energy Technology) in Turkey. This center facilitates international cooperation in hydrogen research and development, accelerating the progress towards a hydrogen-powered future.

Standing as a testament to Dr. Veziroglu's enduring commitment, the Prof. Dr. T. Nejat Veziroglu Clean Energy Research Center in Nigde, Turkey was named in his honor. Opened in 2014, the center continues to conduct cutting-edge research and training programs, furthering Dr. Veziroglu's legacy of excellence in clean energy research and education. Through its state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities, the center continues to advance sustainable energy solutions for the benefit of present and future generations

Veziroglu's impact transcends these institutions. He has authored or co-authored a staggering number of research papers and books, including the acclaimed "Solar Hydrogen Energy: The Power to Save the Earth." Through his prolific writing, he has disseminated knowledge and inspired countless researchers.

Dr. Turhan Nejat Veziroglu's life and work serve as a testament to the power of dedicated individuals. His vision for a hydrogen-powered future continues to inspire researchers and propel the world towards a cleaner and more sustainable tomorrow.

Ayfer Veziroglu, Wife