Program Outcomes
PO 1. To be able to have the basic knowledge of fundamental sciences and mathematics and skill to use them in food engineering area

PO 2. The skills to determine, identify, formulate and solve the food engineering problems, and the skill to choose and apply the suitable analysis and modeling methods, for that purpose

PO 3. Independently conduct studies that require proficiency in food engineering area and demonstrate leadership in contexts that require solving problems

PO 4. The skill to develop, choose and use the modern techniques and tools which are necessary for the food engineering applications; the skill to effectively use the information technologies

PO 5. The skills to design experiment, to carry out experiment, to analyze and evaluate the results, for the examination of the food engineering problems

PO 6. Interpret the knowledge about the food engineering by integrating the information gathered from different disciplines and formulate new knowledge

PO 7. The ability to work as an individual and the skills of interdisciplinary working

PO 8. The skill to access to the information, the skill to effectively communicate in written and orally, being able to follow the information and communicate in the related field through a foreign language

PO 9. The consciousness of the life-long learning and to raise awareness

PO 10. The awareness of professional ethics and responsibilities

PO 11. Awareness of the entrepreneurship, innovativeness, and sustainable development

PO 12. To have knowledge on food legislation and management systems

PO 13. To have knowledge on current problems
Latest Update:19.10.2023