www.siecus.orgSexuality Information and Education Council of United States
www.worldsexology.orgWorld Association for Sexology
www.unfpa.orgUnited Nations Population Fundşmiş Milletler Nüfus Fonu – Türkiye
www.isswsh.orgInternational Society of the Study of Women’s Sexual Health
www.advocatesforyouth.orgdedicated to creating programs and advocating for policies that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health
www.iwannaknow.orginformation on STDs, basics about what's going on with your body, and advice on how to deal with peer pressure
www.sxetc.orgA website by teens for teens; this site helps youth become sexually healthy people and avoid pregnancy and disease during their teenage years.
www.itsyoursexlife.comprovides reliable, objective sexual health information for young adults
www.globalactionnetwork.orgonline network of young people and adults working in the fields of reproductive health and population
www.ippf.orgNews and information about sexual and reproductive health, rights and choice worldwide
www.iyfnet.orgone of the world's largest public foundations working to improve the conditions and prospects for young people where they live, learn, work, and play
www.willyworries.commedical educational environment for all age groups and sexual orientation. It has been created to provide sound medical facts, information and advice in easily understandable and non-judgmental formats
www.psikoloji.gen.trPsikoloji Portalığlık Bakanlığı
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Son Güncelleme Tarihi:24.01.2017