

Mevlana Exchange Programme, is a programme aiming at exchanging students and academic staffs between domestic institutions and institutions in abroad.


Detailed explanations about Mevlana Exchange Programme can be found at the internet site http://www.ohu.edu.tr/mevlana or at the Higher Educational Council web page www.mevlana.yok.gov.tr.


Applications fields for the education year 2017-2018 are given below.

Applications will start on Monday, 13nd of February and end on Thursday, 23th of February 2017. Other than the specified period, no applications will be admitted.


Requirements for Applications

 For students:

Grant will be provided for only one semester ( one semester = 4 months), students who want to study two semesters have to pay second semester expenses by themselves (accommodations, food etc. not tuition fees). 


  1. Undergraduate students have to fulfill their academic average grade at least 2.5 out of 4.
  2. Graduate students have to fulfill their academic average grade at least 3.0 out of 4.
  3. Language certificate. If the applicant has a language certificate showing his or her level of Turkish or English, it has to be added to her/his application documents. If the applicant is a student who is already studying in a university with teaching language is Turkish or English ( there has to be an official letter from their universities stating that the teaching language is either Turkish or English). Applicant who does not have a certificate, we will not be able to calculate their Mevlana grade. Therefore, they will be out of assessment.
  4. Click for Candidate Student Application Form.
  5. Passport photocopies



Weighted grades are calculated regarding to 50% of the academic average grade and 50% of the language level grade and then the grades are sorted in descending order.


Note: This is a preliminary selection process. The applications will be finalized according to the budget allocated by HECT (Higher Educational Council of Turkey) to our university. Preliminary results will not grantee the Exchange. Except the documents that are provided by Mevlana Coordinatorship, travel expenses, visa and insurance expenses have to be paid by the students.


For Academic Staffs

Academic staffs who want to give lectures at Omer Halisdemir University have to fill in the Academic Staff Information Form not later than 23th of February 2017. Click for Academic Staff Information Form.  This form, his/her curriculum vitae, language certificate and passport photocopies have to be handed in Mevlana Office.

 The results will be announced in the web page of Mevlana Office in Omer Halisdemir University. Selected Academic staff are responsible to complete the necessary procedures by himself/herself.

Quota For Click

Latest Update : 23.02.2017