

*21 master's programs with thesis

*4 master's degrees without thesis

*13 doctorate programs from 5 faculties (Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Science and Letters, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Communication Sciences) and Conservatory (Turkish Music State Conservatory).

*1 Interdisciplinary program. (Eurasia thesis master's program)

*2 International double diploma programs (a joint master's program)

  1. Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literature, Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University carries out a joint master's program with the Philology Master's Program
  2. the Economics master's program carries out a joint thesis master's program with the Baku Eurasia University of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and they have a distinctive feature as international double diploma programs.

*Approximately 1300 students continue their master's and doctoral programs

*Approximately 95 of the 1300 students are international students. (Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia)


Latest Update:29.01.2025