Niğde Technical Sciences Vocational School, affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, started teaching in 1974 with 1 Lecturer, 2 civil servants and 1 maid in the building where the school for the Mentally Disabled is located next to today's Atatürk Elementary School as the School of Life Sciences within the structure of YAYKUR. in 1983, it was moved to the building where Niğde Vocational School of Social Sciences continues its education today. After continuing his education here for a period, he moved to the building on Derbent campus in 1989. Within five years since its opening, the number of teaching staff has been increased to six. From 1978 to 1980, widespread higher education students were also transferred to our School, which conducts the Departments of Machinery, Motor, Vital Sciences and Social Sciences with paid teaching staff. since 1980, our School, which continues to teach Business-Accounting, Motor, Electrical Programs, has been affiliated to the Rector of Selcuk University by decree No. 41 on 20.07.1982 and the Leather Program was added in the 1990-91 academic year. Niğde University was established in 1992. on 11.07.1992, its connection was changed with the Law No. 3837 and transferred from Selcuk University to Niğde University. The Leather Making Program within the body of our school has formed the core of the Bor Vocational School.

established in 2010 with the transformation of Niğde Vocational School into two different units under the name of Niğde Technical Sciences Vocational School and Niğde Social Sciences Vocational School, our School has provided thousands of graduates to meet the needs of the country's industry for more than thirty years. Niğde Vocational School of Technical Sciences has taken a very important path in the institutionalization process compared to other vocational schools in the region, continues education with its traditional structure, managed by institutional principles.
Latest Update:25.10.2023