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3 | Genetik sürüklenme ve populasyon büyüklüğü | Hamilton, M. B. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 407 p., s: 53-80 |
4 | Genetik sürüklenme ve populasyon büyüklüğü hesaplamaları, Coalescent modeli | Hamilton, M. B. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 407 p., s: 80-103, Carstens BC, Brennan RS, Chua V, Duffie CV, Harvey MG, Koch RA, Mcmahan CD, Nelson BJ, Newman CE, Satler JD, Seeholzer G, Posbic K, Tank DC, Sullivan J (2013) Model selection as a tool for phylogeographic inference: an example from the willow Salix melanopsis. Molecular Ecology 22, 4014–4028. Rosenberg NA, Nordborg M (2002) Genealogical trees, coalescent theory and the analysis of genetic polymorphisms. Nature Reviews Genetics, 3, 380-390. |
5 | Populasyon yapısı ve gen akışı | Hamilton, M. B. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 407 p., s: 105-151, Novembre J, Johnson T, Bryc K, Kutalik Z, Boyko AR, Auton A, Indap A, King KS, Bergmann S, Nelson MR, Stephens M, Bustamante CD (2008) Genes mirror geography within Europe. Nature 456, 98-101. |
6 | Mutasyon | Hamilton, M. B. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 407 p., s: 154-183 |
7 | Nötral teori | Hamilton, M. B. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 407 p., s: 235-241 |
8 | Doğal seçilimin esasları | Hamilton, M. B. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 407 p., s: 185-206 |
9 | Doğal seçilim modelleri | Hamilton, M. B. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 407 p., s: 208-234 |
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12 | Niceliksel özelliklerin varyasyonu ve evrimi | Hamilton, M. B. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 407 p., s: 283-331 |
13 | Niceliksel özellik varyasyonunun Mendel temelleri | Hamilton, M. B. 2009. Population Genetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 407 p., s: 334-355 |
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