Öğrenme Kaynakları 
1Giriş ve tanımlamalar, mikrobiyal kommuniteler ve çevre ile ilşkileriLeighAnne Olsen, Eileen R. Choffnes, and Alison Mack, 2012The Social Biology of Microbial Communities: Workshop Summary, ISBN 978-0-309-26432-7, 632 pages, National Academy of Sciences
2Konak-mikroorganizma ilşkileri ve çeşitleri, simbiyotik ve parazitik ilişkilerARTURO CASADEVALL AND LIISE-ANNE PIROFSKI, 2000, Host-Pathogen Interactions: Basic Concepts of Microbial Commensalism, Colonization, Infection, and Disease, INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 6511–6518, 68, 12
3Normal flora ve fırsatçı patojenlerKathleen Park Talaro, Foundations in Microbiology' 2007 Ed. (sixth Edition), Mc Graw Hill pres, 513 p. Chapter 13
4Patojenlik, parazitism ve hastalıklarKathleen Park Talaro, Foundations in Microbiology' 2007 Ed. (sixth Edition), Mc Graw Hill pres, 513 p. Chapter 13
5Mikrobiyal kommunitede sosyal ilişkiler ve konağa etkileriSara Mitr and Kevin Richard Foster,22013, The Genotypic View of Social Interactions in Microbial Communities, Annu. Rev. Genet. 47:247–73
6Bakteri virüs ilişkisiAjit Varki, Richard D. Cummings, Jeffrey D. Esko, Pamela Stanley, Gerald Hart, Markus Aebi, Alan Darvill, Taroh Kinoshita, Nicolle H. Packer, James J. Prestegard, Ronald L. Schnaar, Peter H. Seeberger, 2015 Essentials of Glycobiology, Third Edition: Bacterial and Viral Infections, Victor Nizet and Jeffrey D. Esko, 800 p.
7Bakteri-Bakteri ilişkisiE. G. Pringsheim, The Relationship Between Bacteria And Myxophyceae, Botany School, Vol 13, 98 p.University of Cambridge, England
8Bitki mikroorganizma ilişkileri ve evrimsel boyutuW.G.Pond, F.W. Bazer, B.E.Rollin (ed), 2011, Symbiosis of Plants, Animals, and Microbes, 203 p. CRC press
9Hayvan mikroorganizma ilişkileri ve evrimsel boyutuW.G.Pond, F.W. Bazer, B.E.Rollin (ed), 2011, Symbiosis of Plants, Animals, and Microbes, 203 p. CRC press
10İnsan ve mikroorganizma ilişkileriKathleen Park Talaro, Foundations in Microbiology' 2007 Ed. (sixth Edition), Mc Graw Hill pres, 513 p. Chapter 13
11Probiyotikler ve sağlık1) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health, 2009, Understanding Microbes in Sickness and in Health, National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIH Publication No. 09-4914 S. 2.) Wolfgang Kneifel and Seppo Salminen, (Ed) 2011, Probiotics and Health Claims, A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, 323 p. UK
12Hijyen ve sanitasyonKathleen Park Talaro, Foundations in Microbiology' 2007 Ed. (sixth Edition), Mc Graw Hill pres, 513 p.
13Halk sağlığı ve salgın enfeksiyonlarKathleen Park Talaro, Foundations in Microbiology' 2007 Ed. (sixth Edition), Mc Graw Hill pres, 513 p. Chapter 1