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2 | The Formation of Stars -Stahlar, W. S. Wiley WCH, 2005 |
3 | Stellar Interiors, Physical principles, structure and evolution- Hansen, C.J., Kawaler, S.D., Springer Verlag, 1994 |
4 | Stellar Structure and Evolution, Kippenhan, R. Weigert A., Springer Verlag, 1990. |
5 | Late Stages of Stellar Evolution Computational Methods in Astrophysical Methods, De Loore , Springer Verlag, 1991 |
6 | Physics, Formation and Evolution of rotating stars, , Maeder, A,, Springer, 2009, |
7 | An Introduction to the Theory of the Stellar Structure and Evolution, Prialnik, D.,Cambridge University Press, 2000 |