1Oksijen Taşınımı: Kardiyopulmoner Fizik Tedavinin TemelleriCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
2Kardiyopulmoner AnatomiCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
3Kardiyopulmoner AnatomiCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
4Kardiyopulmoner FizyolojiCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
5KOAH, Bronşektazi Cherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
6Kardiyopulmoner PatofizyolojiCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
7Kardiyopulmoner Egzersiz TestleriCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
9Solunum Fonksiyon TestleriCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
10Egzersiz FizyolojisiCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
11Egzersiz FizyolojisiCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
12Kardiyak RehabilitasyonCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
13Pulmoner RehabilitasyonCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996
14Özel TestlerCherniak NS. Rehabilitation of The Patient with Respiratory Disease. McGraw-Hill, NewYork,1999 Frownfelter D, Dean E. Principles and Practice Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Mosby, St.Louis,1996