11. Hafta: Fiziksel uygunluk değerlendirmesi: Genel prensipler1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
22. Hafta: Wellness Tanımım Bileşenleri 1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
33. Hafta: Sedanter Yaşam Şekli ve Olumsuz Sağlık Etkileri1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
44. Hafta: Aktif Yaşam Şekli ve Yararları1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
55. Hafta: Fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
66. Hafta: Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlıkla İlişkili Yaşam Kalitesi1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
77. Hafta: Performans ile İlişkili Fiziksel Uygunluk Bileşenleri1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
88. Hafta: ARA SINAV 
99. Hafta: Kardiyorespiratuvar Dayanıklılık, Kassal Dayanıklılık 1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
1010. Hafta: Kassal Kuvvet 1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
1111. Hafta: Vücut Komposizyonu 1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
1212. Hafta: Esneklik 1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
1313. Hafta: Aerobik Egzersizlerin Fizyolojik Adaptasyonları 1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
1414. Hafta: Aerobik Egzersizlerin Fizyolojik Adaptasyonları 1. Corbin, Charles B.; Lindsey, R. (2006). Fitness for life. Human Kinetics. 2. Linda V. H. (2012). Combining the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and physical activity guidelines to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Research Digest, Series 13, Number 1.
1515. Hafta: Final Sınavı