HEM2018 / Mesleki Yabancı Dil


Öğrenme Kaynakları 
1Parts of the body. There is/are, Have got, Has got, Health Problems, Cells and DNA,Medical Specialists, Countable-Uncountable nouns,[1] s. 1-15
2Possessions, Diabets Adjectives and Adverbs,[1] s. 16-23
3Medical Supplies and Tools, Quantifiers Prepositions and reflexives[1] s. 24-32
4The Body Patients and Health workers, Digestion[1] s. 33-36
5Present Tenses, The Human Heart The Future of Medicine, Future Tenses,[1] s. 37- 43
6Past Simple-Past Continuous Louis Pasteur[1] s. 44-46
7Present Perfect - PastPerfect All Tenses., Hemophilia[1] s. 47-54
8Question words Imperatives, healthy food.[1] s. 56-61
9Present Modals. Rubella and Syphilis. Past Models. Comparision. Smoking[1] s. 62-77
10Conditionals. Bone Marrow Donors Wish. The Make-A-Wish Foundation[1] s. 78-84
11Passive. Antenatal Clinics Fertilisation[1] s. 85-89
12Relative Clauses. Teeth.[1] s. 90-94
13Sentence Connectors. Pregnancy. [1] s. 95-99
14Reported Speech. [1] s. 100-106