1 | 1.hafta İş ve Uğraşı Terapisinde aktiviteler dersine giriş, aktivitenin anlamı ve sağlığa etkisi | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
2 | 2.hafta Aktiviteyi etkileyen faktörler: kas kuvveti (izometrik, izotonik, izokinetik kasılma) | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
3 | 3.hafta Aktiviteyi etkileyen faktörler: (endurans, koordinasyon, hız, eklem hareketi ve tonus, kontraktür, limitasyon) | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
4 | 4.hafta Aktiviteyi analiz etme yöntemleri | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
5 | 5.hafta Aktivitenin terapötik kullanımında derecelendirme ve adaptasyon, aktivite analizi | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
6 | 6.hafta Aktiviteye hazırlayıcı yöntemler (sıcak-soğuk tedavi modaliteleri) | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
7 | 7.hafta Terapötik aktiviteler (el sanatları, yaratıcı aktiviteler, oyun, hayvanlar, bahçe işleri vb.) | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
8 | 8.hafta Ara sınav | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
9 | 9.hafta Çocuklarda iş ve uğraşı terapisi aktiviteleri | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
10 | 10.hafta Palyatif bakımda ve bakım verenlerde iş ve uğraşı terapisi | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
11 | 11.hafta Yaşlılarda iş ve uğraşı terapisi aktiviteleri | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
12 | 12.hafta Alt ekstremite ve üst ekstremite ortopedik ve romatizmal problemlerinde iş ve uğraşı terapisi | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
13 | 13.hafta Aktivite ergonomisi | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
14 | 14.hafta İş ve uğraşı terapisinde teknoloji temelli aktivitelerİ | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
15 | 15.hafta İş ve uğraşı terapisinde sanat temelli aktiviteler | Hersch, G., Lamport, N. & Coffey, M. (2005). Activity analysis application to occupation. 5th edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Tubbs, C. & Drake, M. (2007). Crafts and creative media in therapy. 3rd edition. Thorofare, N.J. Slack Inc. Crepeau, E., Cohn, E., & Schell, B. (2003). |
16 | 16.hafta Genel Sınav | |
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