Öğrenme Kaynakları 
1Atom, nükleer yapı ve radyasyon1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
2Radyoaktif bozunma1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
3Radyasyonun madde ile etkileşimi1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
4Radyasyon dedeksiyonu1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
5Radyasyon dozimetresi ve monitörü1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
6Radyasyonun kimyasal ve biyolojik etkileri1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
7Radyasyon birimleri ve limitleri 1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
8Radyofarmasi üretimi, güvenliği ve kullanımı1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
9Teşhiste radyasyon güvenliği ve korunma1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
10Tedavide radyasyon güvenliği ve korunma1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
11Radyolojik kazalar ve acil müdahale1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
12Dünyada radyasyon kazaları ve alınan tedbirler1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
13Türkiye’de radyasyon kazaları ve alınan tedbirler1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
14Radyasyonun erken ve gecikmiş etkileri1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012
15Radyasyon güvenliği ve yasal düzenlemeler1-Radiation Protection in the health science, Marilyn E. Noz, World Scientific Publishing, 2007,2-An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin vd, CRC Press, 2012