APT7120 / Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources

Contents Of The Courses in a weekly Period

1The nature and history of genetic diversity in farm animals[1] s 5-16, [2] s 1-27
2Status and trends of animal genetic resources[1] s 25-42, [2] s 115-125
3Monitoring animal genetic resources[2] s 90-111
4Adaptation of Animal Gene Resources[1] s 81-101, [2] s 47-71
5Factors threatening animal genetic resources[2] s 109-137
6Changes in livestock sector[2] s 157-174
7The response of the livestock sector[2] s 179-189
8Effects of changes in livestock sector on animal genetic resources and management[2] s 193-205
9Livestock sector trends and animal genetic resources management[2] s 207-209
10Breeding Programs[2] s 271-256
11Animal genetic resources and conservation programs[1] s 161-182, [2] s 277-307
12Training strategies and conservation programs[2] s 183-206
13Protection of special breeds[2] s 183-206
14Status of animal genetic resources and conservation efforts in Turkey[2] s 497-522