PPT7124 / Weeds and their Management in Major Field Crops
1Jabran, K., K. Mahmood, B. Melander, A.A. Bajwa, P. Kudsk. 2017. Weed dynamics and management in wheat. Advances in Agronomy. 145: 97-166.
2Chauhan, B.S., Jabran, K., Mahajan, G. 2017. Rice Production Worldwide. Springer International Publishing, USA.
3Jabran, M. Hussain, B.S. Chauhan. 2017. Weed management in maize cultivation: an overview. In: Achieving Sustainable Maize Cultivation - (Ed. Dave Watson). Burleigh Dodds Scientific Publishing Limited, USA.
4Korres, N.E., Burgos, N.R. and Duke, S.O., 2018. Weed Control: Sustainability, Hazards, and Risks in Cropping Systems Worldwide. CRC Press.
5Dogan, K. Jabran and A. Unay. 2014. Integrated weed management in cotton. pp: 197-222. In: Chauhan, B.S. and G. Mahajan (eds.) Recent Advances in Weed Management. Springer. The Netherlands.
6Monaco, T.J., Weller, S.C. and Ashton, F.M., 2002. Weed science: principles and practices. John Wiley & Sons.