Bologna Commission Coordinators

Name and SurnameE-MailsTelephone Numbers
1 Prof. Dr. Recep ÇİÇEK, (ADEK Chair, Vice Rector) 0 388 225 26 23
2 Prof. Dr. Nafiz TOK, ( Vice Rector- Responsible of Education and Study Programmes) 388 225 26 54
3Prof. Dr. Nafiz TOK,  (Vice Rector, Responsible of International Relations)
0 388 225 26 54
4 Prof. Dr. Nafiz TOK,  (Coordinator of ECTS and DS )  0 388 225 26 54  
 5 Lecturer, Hülya URUNDU ( Erasmus Institutional Coordinator) 388 225 23 19
5 Prof. Dr. Seher MANDACI ŞAHİN  (Member) 0 388 225 43 47  
6 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif ŞEŞEN (Member) 0 388 225 45 23  
7 Saadet İLBAY (Head of Student Affairs Department) 0 388 225 26 99  
8 Öğrenci Konseyi Başkanı   

Latest Update:17.11.2023