Program Outcomes
BÖÇ 1- Explains the purpose, scope and infrastructure of environmental regulations, defines expressions regarding waste management and recycling, defines air, water and noise pollution and knows environmental protection measures.
BÖÇ2- Knows the basic information about standardization, defines quality and quality concepts, knows the importance and content of quality assurance, explains professional standards on his own.
BÖÇ 3- Explains the basic concepts and principles of law. Classifies the legal system and its types. It determines the rights and capacities related to personality, and determines the methods of gaining, losing, using and protecting rights.
BÖÇ 4- Knows the basics of scientific research, explains the types of scientific research, defines and compares qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Knows the stages of the scientific research process and explains the ethical principles in research.
BÖÇ 5- Performs current map measurement, calculation and drawing operations.
BÖÇ 6- Can work in surveying (land measurement) and application works of all kinds of map studies of institutions such as the Bank of Provinces, Military, DSI, Highways, Provincial Directorate of Agriculture, Municipalities and Special Provincial Administrations.
BÖÇ 7- Can work in survey and application works of private sectors' construction works such as infrastructure and superstructure.
BÖÇ 8- To have the ability to solve problems both theoretically and practically and to make angle, length, distance and coordinate measurements with measuring instruments, and to have basic calculation skills such as polygon calculation, area calculation, height calculation, volume calculation and division.
BÖÇ 9- To have sufficient computer skills related to the field (to be able to use the NETCAD package program, Microsoft Office basic programs).
BÖÇ 10- To have knowledge of the city, urbanism and urbanization, to understand the theoretical and legal understanding of the applications of the 15th and 16th articles of the Zoning Law and the application of the 18th article, and to understand the issues of expropriation, DOP calculation and layout.
BÖÇ 11- Gaining self-awareness and creating career goals and alternatives in line with the expectations of business life, improving self-expression and communication skills.
BÖÇ 12- Understanding the management phenomenon, its features and functions, being able to think analytically about management practices and finding solutions to managerial and organizational problems in business life.
BÖÇ 13- To understand the subject and content of real estate ownership.
BÖÇ 14- To gain basic knowledge about information systems, to learn the basis of information systems such as TAKBİS, GIS, KBS and ABS, and to understand basic photogrammetry terms.
BÖÇ 15- Gains the ability to recognize, install and measure professional measuring instruments.
Latest Update:30.11.2023