Department-Specific Competencies
BÖY1- Basic measurement skills in a professional sense,
BÖY2- Ability to use CAD program,
BÖY3- Area and coordinate calculation skills,
BÖY4- General knowledge and skills about professional information systems,
BÖY5- Professional calculation knowledge and skills,
BÖY6- Basic computer usage skills,
BÖY7- Land surveying and gaining professional experience,
BÖY8- General professional basic legal knowledge and skills,
BÖY9- Knowledge and skills about land registry and cadastral legislation,
BÖY10- Ability to interpret legal norms,
BÖY11- Real estate legislation and valuation skills,
BÖY12- Knowledge and skills about management phenomenon and functions,
BÖY13- Ability to determine career goals,
BÖY14- Professional ethics knowledge and skills,
BÖY15- Interdisciplinary working skills.