Field-Specific Skills and Competencies
- To be able to make basic electrical and electronic processes
- To be able to make computer aided drawing
- To be able to control the rail system tools
- To be able to establish digital electronic circuits
- To be able to establish electronic circuits by choosing industrial control elements
- To be able to control PLC systems
- To make electrical measurements in AA circuits
- To be able to select vehicle traffic control systems
- To be able to do and repair maintenance of communication installation
- To know basic measurement rules
- To gain skills about analog and power electronic circuits
- To write and implement the program on programmable controllers
- To know electric Machines, motors and drivers
General Competences
- Basic information about the profession
- Basic information about the field of study
- Ability to work with interdisciplinary teams
- Ability to use information in practice
- Ability to implement of solution paths