SWOT Analysis Strengths:The fact that there is young and productive academic staff, The fact that there is academic staff from professional practice as well as academic background, The fact that there is interaction between design disciplines which are in the same faculty, such as Architecture, City and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture and Interior Design The fact of strengthening international and national academic relations; harmony with Bologna process. Weaknesses: The fact of weaknesses of being a newly established department such as lack of academic personnel etc., The fact that there are difficulties in employing qualified academic staff and missing academic personnel in some departments, The fact that the relations between other organizations such as universities, chamber of professions, municipalities etc. are not at the desired level. Opportunities: The fact that architectural education takes place in an environment such as Niğde and Cappadocia which has rich architectural heritage, The considerable ratio of the Niğde city population is composed of university students and academic staff, rapid development of Niğde to be an University City, Young and energetic academic staff, Easy allocation of academic staff because of being a young department, Increasing popularity of architecture, large number of job alternatives for the graduates in big cities, The increasing support for research projects and scientific activities, Enforcement in international and national relations, student and academician exchange programs. Threats: Difficulties in finding academic and technical staff, Criteria for upgrade and assignment of academicians are getting harder, Excess workload on academic personnel, Decrease in education quality while student number increase, Decrease in education and training profile of the students who won universities, Lose of communication between local administrations; inefficiency in architectural and planning matters in the region and in the city, Academician reposition to larger universities because of economic and other reasons, Missing facts in preserving traditional buildings, environment and nature opposed to the rich architectural heritage of the Niğde city; invasion of unqualified buildings and life style, The negative pulse of the wide spread consuming enforced life style on the productive, educative, training and protective media of the university.