SWOT Analysis Strenghts:The fact of having an interaction among other departments such as architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture in the same faculty,The fact of being in the same campus with other faculties and having an interaction with their related departments,The fact of having a strengthening opportunity for national and international relations with the Bologna process. Weaknesses: The fact that there are difficulties in employing qualified academic staff. The fact of the fewer numbers of urban planners that are working for both the public and private sectors in Niğde rather than neighbor provinces. The fact of the absence of a branch office or representative office in Niğde. Opportunities: The fact of the increased recognition of the City and Regional Planning Department in our country,The considerable ratio of the Niğde city population is composed of university students and academic staff, rapid development of Niğde to be a university city,Enforcement in international and national relations, student and academician exchange programs in our university. Threats:Difficulties in finding academic staff.Academician reposition to larger universities because of economic and other reasons,The negative effects of the limited number of urban facilities on the students and academic staff in Niğde.