1. Explains the concept, theory, method and the relations between them in the field of communication and journalism.
2. When applied to his field of expertise, he produces individual suggestions for solving problems and works in harmony with team work.
3. Identifies the technical features, functions and publishing phase processes related to news, information production in the field of journalism.
4. Have information about the historical development of communication and journalism and evaluate it in its cultural, social and political contexts.
5. Can apply news gathering and writing techniques.
6. Gain an improved visual expression and reading skill.
7. Uses Turkish effectively in written and verbal form.
8. Has responsibility about professional ethical values in field-related research.
9. Examine the legal and ethical regulations in the field of intellectual rights with an overview, and know the importance of concepts such as professional auditing and self-regulation institutions.
10. Uses methods and techniques in the production process of scientific knowledge
11. Analyzes the communication between politics, society and media and analyzes the effect of propaganda and voter behavior in forming public opinion.
12. Can apply research methods.
13. Uses the foreign language he learned effectively.
14. Have sufficient knowledge about basic social sciences, communication and media professions and sectors.
15. Have knowledge about economy, political, cultural and other types of news
16. Using the theoretical knowledge gained in the professional sense, he / she can analyze the situation, identify the problems and bring innovative solutions.
17. Has a creative and critical perspective.
18. Uses effectively the technical tools and information technologies required for traditional and new media.
19. Plans and implements professional projects and activities for the social environment in which he lives with a sense of social responsibility.
20. Coordinates and leads when given responsibility and authority in the area of expertise.
21. Associates the information to be used in journalism with other branches of social sciences.