
General Info

General information

The department started to accept students in 2005 and it graduated students for the first time in 2009. The department started to give courses for master degree students in 2009. The staff at the department consists of 1 professors 4 associate professors and 1 assistant professors. The department accepts about 50 students for formal education. Students who manage to graduate from the department are titled as science teachers. Students graduated can work as teachers at the Ministry of National Education, at Private Schools or Private Teaching Institutes. Scientific studies are mainly done in the department. These studies are not only on Science Education but also on Chemistry and Biology as lecturers who are expert on Chemistry and Biology work in the department.
The graduates having satisfactorily completed the programme are awarded bachelor’s diploma in the field of Science Education.

Aim and Objectives

Aims :

The program aims to train students who has the ability to solve problems, who can create projects, who are the supporters of Atatürk’s Revolution and Principles, who always work for the sake of society, who can make multi-disciplined researches, who defend the international qualities, who can question, who can improve our country, and to foster scientific productivity.


The objectives are to train teachers who are sophisticated and who have knowledge at an international level, who are qualified enough to be a good teacher, and who can write scientific publications which are acceptable both in and outside the country in the field of Science Education Department.

Level of Qualification and Qalification Awarded

Undergraduate (Bachelor's Degree) program in SCIENCE EDUCATION (First Cycle in QF-EHEA and 6th level in TYYÇ ) is an academically-oriented program giving access to degree and non-degree research program and professional practice demanding high levels of knowledge and skills. The classification of the program with respect to "ISCED (The International Standard Classification of Education) 2011" and "NQF-HETR (The Turkish Qualifications Framework for HE)" and the codes of the fields of education can be listed as follows:
ISCED Field of Education: 14 – Teacher Training and Education Science
ISCED 2011 Level: 6, Orientation (Profile): 64, Subcategory: 645 - Academically-oriented "first cycle", bachelor\\'s degree
NQF-HETR Field of Education: 14 – Teacher Training and Education Science
NQF-HETR Profile of Education: Academically-oriented "first cycle", bachelor\\'s degree

Learning and Teaching Methods:

The graduate students of our department can not only work in the private schools and courses, but also teach by taking place in the staff of National Education Ministery if they become successful in KPSS.

Specific Admission Requirements
The qualification of SCIENCE EDUCATION is obtained upon graduation from the programme SCIENCE TEACHER , which requires;

Completion of all the courses designated within the curriculum of the programme, having a total of 240 ECTS Credits, with passing grades.
Achievement of a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
For detailed information: Please see "Nidge University\\'s Rules & Regulations for Undergraduate Education"


Specific Arrangement s for Recognition of Prior Learning

Profile of the Programme

Learning and Teaching Methods

The most frequently used Instructional Methods of the educational programs of Nigde Omer Halisdemir University are given below. Programs commonly apply these methods as appropriate instructional approaches in accordance with their aims and objectives.

Examples of Learning and Teaching Methods 

The instructional methods applied for achieving the goal of meeting the expected learning outcomes at SCIENCE program at large are indicated in the section of ‘program learning outcomes’, and those methods utilized for individual course units are indicated in the relevant section of “ description of indivusal course unit’.

Examples of Learning and Teaching Methods:

Lecture & In-Class Activities
Lab Work
Group Work
Assignment (Homework)
Project Work
Social Activity
School Experience and Teaching Practice
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

The graduate students of our department can not only work in the private schools and courses, but also teach by taking place in the staff of National Education Ministery if they become successful in KPSS.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

he qualification of SCIENCE EDUCATION is obtained upon graduation from the programme SCIENCE TEACHER , which requires;

Completion of all the courses designated within the curriculum of the programme, having a total of 240 ECTS Credits, with passing grades.
Achievement of a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
For detailed information: Please see "Nidge University\\'s Rules & Regulations for Undergraduate Education"

Access to Further Studies
Upon successful completion of this programme, students may apply to master’s (second cycle) and in some cases, to doctorate (third cycle) degree programs in or related fields of SCIENCE EDUCATION. According to the National Regulations on Graduate Education, students are admitted to master’s programmes taking into account their undergraduate (first cycle degree) achievement level and the scores on the subject-specific entrance examinations of the Graduate Education Entrance Examination (ALES) centrally administered by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM). Within the framework of the national regulations, regulations endorsed by the senate of each university stipulatethe weight of ALES Examination results in the overall evaluation of candidates. Depending on the institutions’ regulations, for some programmes to be accessed, a certain level of foreign language proficiency is also required.

Examination Regulationss, Assesment and Grading

The methods applied for assessment of the achievement of the expected program learning outcomes for the entire program of SCIENCE EDUCATION are shown below and those those for the individual course units are given in the relevant section of the course description with their contribution to the final grades.

Mid-Term Exam
Lab Exam
Final Exam
Make-up Exam
Short Exam
Homework Assessment
Presentation of Document



The success of students in achieving the expected leaning outcomes of the each course unit within the curriculum of SCIENCE TEACHER programme is evaluated via assessments of in-term activities and final examination which takes place at the end of each semester.

Assessment of in-term activities includes a minimum number of a mid-term examination, a homework and a short-exam (quiz) as compulsory assessment methods for all the course units within all degree programmes defined by the Regulations. The programmes are encouraged to define more assessment methods for the in-term activities depending on their needs for measuring the achievements of the outcomes at the programme and course unit levels in order to ensure the educational aims and objectives. The nature and number of the assessment methods used for each course unit together with their contribution the final grades are given under the title of “Assessment and Grading” in the sections of course descriptions. These arrangements are announced in advance, at the beginning of each semester and published in the sections of the course descriptions on this web site.

Mid-term and final examinations are conducted in dates, places and times determined and announced by the University. The students’ final semester grade is given by their instructors based on mid-term examination, homework evaluation, short-examinations, final examination and, if there is any, other assessment results taking into account the students’ compliance with attendance to the course activities.

The contribution of assessment grades of the in-term activities to the final grade could be at most 40% and that of the final exam cannot be less than 40 % and higher than 60% for all for all the course units within all degree programmes defined by the Regulations.

Course units, which do not require a mid-term, homework, short-exam and/or a final exam, such as work placement, are determined by the administration of the related departments and specific assessment and grading methods for these courses are also announced through the same channels described above. Evaluation of such activities is made through the procedures defined by the Senate and assessed by Pass (P) or Fail (F) grades.


The success of a student for each assessment (in-term and final) defined for each course unit is evaluated by the instructor. Evaluations are made over a scale of 100 points and converted to the letter grades at the end of the semester taking into account the standard deviation of grades and grade point average of the class and using the relative evaluation method, principles of which have been set by the Senate.

Please see the section of “Grade Evaluation” for detailed information.

Graduations Requirements

In order for a student to graduate from the SCIENCE TEACHER program the following conditions must to be met:

Completion of all the courses designated within the curriculum of the programme, having a total of 240 ECTS Credits, with passing grades.
Achievement of a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
For detailed information: Please see "Nidge University\\'s Rules & Regulations for Undergraduate Education"

Mode of StudyMode of Study:
Bachelor of Science in SCIENCE TEACHER at Nigde Omer Halisdemir University is a full time / face to face programme.

Latest Update:21.05.2024