| Have high level information and skills supported by course books that include the most recent information, application equipment and other scientific sources related to education technologies, teaching profession, general information and basic sciences; use these information and skills in daily life and in jobs.
PO2 | Examine and evaluate concepts about education technology and teaching profession, ideas and data with scientific methods; diagnose, analyze and discuss complicated problems and subjects; develop suggestions based on scientific discoveries and evidences. |
PO3 | Have learning to learn, self control, critical thinking, creative thinking skills and perform independent studies related to study field. |
PO4 | Get responsibilities and try to produce solutions when face with unexpected and complicated cases in applications of education technologies and teaching professions. |
PO5 | Know students’ interests, wishes and needs; know social, cultural and economic properties of families and environment; plan, apply and manage learning and teaching process suitable for these properties; get students active participation in learning process. |
PO6 | Know information about education technologies and teaching professions and comprehend adequately; have information about foreign language in level of communicating with professional colleagues (“European Language Portfolio Global Scale”, Level B1). |
PO7 | Consider social, scientific and ethic values in levels of gathering data, analyzing, interpreting, announcing when doing teaching professions or working in private sector, being researcher or source of data. |
PO8 | Inform to audiences who are not expert and do not have information about education technology and teaching profession; express related ideas about these problems and solutions with written and oral. |
PO9 | Continuously try to develop with doing self assessment; be on new information and ideas ; play affective role in developing of themselves and their intuition; know and behave according to the laws about their job, main values and principles, know the rights about job security and social security; have conscious about protecting social values and environment. |
PO10 | Evaluate students’ improvement and learning, get students to evaluate themselves and other students; use the results of evaluation for better instruction; share the results with student, family, managers and teachers. |
| Have information about computer software and hardware in level of teaching computer and information and communication technologies courses and supporting other teachers; use informatics and communication technologies (“European Computer Driving License”, Advanced Level).
| Have knowledge of foreing language to be able to communicate with his colleagues and follow the foreign sources related to the teaching profession and educational technologies (European Language Portfolio Global Scale, Level B1).
PO13 | Have sufficient level of knowledge about hardware and software to be able to teach information and communication technology and to assist other teachers; uses information and communication technology and communicate with others using these technologies.(European Computer Driving Licence, Advanced Level). |
PO14 | Abide by professional and ethical rules and assign in collaborative applications. |
PO15 | Produce projects for solving the current problems of society and while conducting the teaching profession or working in the private sector in case of being researcher and data source, bear in mind the scientific, professional and ethical rules in phase of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, announcing data. |