SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis


The existing teaching staff are equipped,

Having a young and dynamic academic staff,


Low number of students,

Not having an exhibition hall,

Not being able to host symposiums,

No postgraduate education program,

Low number of academic staff


Strong communication and cooperation within the department,

Good communication and dignity with other departments in social terms,

The lecturers are conducting the lesson personally,

and the research assistants help the students in office hours,

Students can easily access the lecturers and assistant lecturers,

The proficiency of the knowledge of the lecturers who attend the course is appropriate for the course and thus being confident in this matter

Students can easily convey their requests to management at all levels,

To give importance to artistic and cultural activities,


Not being able to host national and international congresses and symposiums,

No artistic and social activities,

Latest Update:28.07.2022