Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University has signed a lot of Protocol Agreements with many international institutions and universities in the scope of Academic and Scientific Cooperation by obeying rules of Memorandum of Understanding agreements. Protocol agreements aim to develop, encourage and support academic collaborations among partner universities all over the world by making joint projects and supporting mobility of the students and academic staff according to the signed bilateral agreement rules and organizing conferences and symposiums together with the partner institutions. Our university aims to increase these kinds of collaborations in order to be recognized as an international competitive area among world universities and to attract International students and staff to our university.
Within the scope of Academic and Scientific Cooperation Agreements, our university has signed 55 protocol agreements with the Higher Education Institutions in 19 countries so far. Up to date 759 students and academic staff has been attended to the programmes under Protocol agreements. For Data Please CLİCK.
In order to be a mobile student in the scope of the program you need to follow the announcements for the program on the web page of NOHU. If you have 2.00/4.00 GPA you can apply for the program. You need to have language certificate or pass the language exam given by NOHU Foreign Language School (You need to have 55/100 points at least to be a program student) . The following documents will be completed as well to complete the procedure;
1. Language Certificate or an official paper showing that you are qualified at the language, it will taken by NOHU Foreign Language School
2. Application Document ( please click on)
3. Learning agreement Document ( please click on)
4. Passport and ID Copy
5. Transcript of Records
6. 1 Photo
In order to be a student in the scope of MOU agreements you need to first contact with your home International Relations Office. The office will send us the Nomination Letter, and then, we will get in touch with you in order to guide you well and the following documents will be sent to NOHU International Relations Office via official email of your home International Office . The documents are as in the following;
1. Language Certificate ( at least B1 in English or Turkish)
2. Application Document ( please click on)
3. Learning Agreement form ( please click on)
4. Passport Copy ( ID Copy)
5. Transcript of Records
6. 1 Photo ( it will be taken upon arrival for the student ID card)
Travel and Health Insurance is necessary for the incoming students while travelling. However, you need to get another health insurance in Turkey for the Residency Permit Issues (Residency Permit Issues will cost approx. 800 TL ), if you are planning to stay longer than 3 months (it can be changeable from your home country to country, I mean where you are from is important for the visa issues, so please visit Turkish Embassy web page to see how long you can stay in Turkey without applying for the residency permit and visa) you will have to apply for the Residency Permit, which is a must for staying longer than 3 months.
For accommodation, if you are planning to stay at the dormitory of Campus you need to contact with NOHU International Office before arrival, otherwise, you can not stay at the dormitory without reservation before. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
For the courses please get in touch with us or visit our Course Catalogue Page;