Working Places

Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science was founded on 03 July 1992 within Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, under the Law No. 2547 on Higher Education. Graduate education began with 4 departments. These are Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Geological Engineering, Civil Engineering and Chemistry Departments. Later, this number increased with the participation of new departments. As of today, our institute continues its graduate education activities in 22 master programs and 16 doctorate programs. In 3 departments, master and doctorate programs are carried out in English language and there is a compulsory preparation class in these two departments. There is an optional preparatory class in 12 departments. Currently, joint master and Ph.D. programs in Geological Engineering and Electronics Engineering departments are carried out with Nevşehir Haci Bektaş Veli University, Institute of Science. Also a joint master program is carried out in Nursing Department with the same university.

Our institute departments are also the departments of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies and Department of Nursing in Health School. Our education and training activities are carried out in these faculties and colleges with the support of our institute. Therefore our faculty members and students can benefit from laboratory facilities within these faculties and college. The institute also educates young researchers from different universities. In other words, in order to meet the academic staff needs of developing universities, ÖYP researchers that are transferred from various universities according to the article 35 of Law No. 2547 graduate from our graduate programs. Our institute always holds the principle of universality of science and 77 master students and 57 doctoral students who are foreign students continue their graduate education in accordance with YÖK's vision of internationalization.

 Most of the students of the institute work in public institutions and private sector and they deepen their knowledge and skills in their graduate studies. Our students who want to work and study at the same time can also have educational activities. Our students can go to universities in other countries within the Erasmus student exchange program. Since its foundation, our institute graduated 1574 students in total. 134 of them are doctorate and 1442 of them are master students. The institute continues education with 721 graduate students. Graduate education is becoming more and more important every day in the world and a country’s economics and industrial development is associated with the number of people with a postgraduate degree. In this regard, our institute carries out the necessary planning, implementation and monitoring activities.

As a result, our institute is devoted to training individuals who can think universally and analytically and to contributing to the development of the country and the region at a high level by producing science and technology. Within this scope, qualified researchers in the field of science and engineering and individuals with scientific and technological competence are being trained. Also, our institute encourages advanced research topics and university-industry cooperation studies by monitoring international developments and social needs in the field of science and technology. The institute continues its administrative and academic activities in competition with the institutions and organizations operating in the field with the understanding of high quality post graduate education and training.

Latest Update:19.10.2023