Foundation of the Unit

Foundation of the Unit

Pursuant to the 58th article of the Higher Education Law numbered 2547, which came into force after it was published in the Official Gazette dated 20 May 1984 and numbered 18406, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Research Fund was established with the decision of the Board of Directors dated 26.08.1993 and 2002. Until the year, it continued its activities under the name of Research Fund Accounting with increasing project support and studies.

 Research Fund Accounting activities have been stopped as of the beginning of 2002 in accordance with the law, but based on the provisions of the “Regulation on Scientific Research Projects of Higher Education Institutions”, based on the provisions of the “Regulation on Scientific Research Projects of Higher Education Institutions” based on the 58th article of the Law no. The name of the unit has been converted into Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit within the scope of "Transferring and Transferring the Specialized Appropriations for Scientific Research Projects to the Special Account in the Budgets of Higher Education Institutions, Accounting and the Operation of the Special Account" published by the Higher Education Council on 01.01.2009. 
Latest Update:21.07.2020