Field Specific Skills and Competencies

1. Understand and interpret accounting events
2. Understand the importance of contemporary technologies related to the accounting profession
3. Establish a relationship with other disciplines

      General Competencies

1. To be able to comprehend the basic principles of business and its functions
2. Detailed information about the Accounting and Finance function of the business
3. To be able to comprehend the importance of the legal framework and practices related to the accounting profession
4. To be able to comprehend and apply general accounting, period-end accounting transactions, cost and corporate accounting
5. To be able to recognize the documents used in commercial life and to be able to process the books used in commercial life according to the procedures and principles in accordance with the legislation
6. To be able to comprehend the duties of the tax and tax responsible and to inform about the details of the Turkish Tax System
7. To be able to explain the importance and characteristics of the accounting function for transactions operating in commercial life
8. To be able to comprehend the importance of following the legislation related to the profession
9. To be able to have knowledge about issues related to social security in accounting, occupational safety, worker health
10. Being informed about business-bank relations
11. To be able to comprehend the basic concepts of financial management, financial statements and accounting auditing
12. To be able to recognize the documents used in foreign trade by understanding the importance of foreign trade, to learn the realization and accounting of foreign trade
13. To be able to explain the importance of accounting and financial consultancy professional ethics
14. To be able to use computer package programs related to accounting and to make correspondence related to the field by using computer, to store information, to use stored information
15. To gain experience in research and application individually or as a group on issues related to the field
Latest Update:24.10.2023