SWOT Analysis

1. Having a sufficient number of academic staff, 
2. Academic competence of teaching staff,
3. Popularity of the department among university candidates,
4. Good job opportunities of the department thanks to its professional education, 
5. Suitable to team work of the department. 

1. Lack of opportunities for tranition to graduate and doctoral education, 
2. Poor contact with EU projects in the field of local governments,
3. Insufficient relations with nstitutions such as other universities, local administrations and professional associations, 
4. Necessariliy limited formation due to short training period. 

1. Students can easily transfer to the related departments of other universities for 4 years education, 
2. The harmonious working atmosphere, 

3. Niğde's rapid progress towards becoming a university city, 
4. Providing more and more support to scientific activities and projects, 
5. The increasing importance of local governments in the world with the concept of localization,

6. Interdisciplinary relationships with other programs and departments.

1. The decreasing number of academic or administrative staff, 
2. The decreasing academic standards of the department,
3. The decreasing number of the students coming to the department, 
4. Weak academic backround of the students coming to the department.

Latest Update:27.10.2023