SWOT Analysis


1- Graduates have more opportunities to find a job in the private sector

2- Our school is located in the city center

3- Having an adequate academic staff

4- Teaching staff to have postgraduate education

5- Our faculty members are experienced in the sector and know the application.

6- Finding a peaceful working environment


1- Insufficient internship controls

2- Failure to increase school-industry cooperation to an adequate level

3- Counseling and guidance services are weak


1- Our teaching staff must have a master's degree and have the opportunity to do a doctorate.

2- Opening new financial institutions

3- Having a young and dynamic academic staff structure

4- The increase in the population of the province and the increase in the number of workplaces and job opportunities in parallel with the increasing population


1- The low level of education of our students coming to our school

2- Decreasing opportunities for graduates to find a job in the public sector

3- The lack of vertical transfer quotas as departments negatively affects student motivation
Latest Update:11.04.2023