SWOT Analysis Strengths 1) The presence of large teaching staff 2) the young of the teaching staff 3) that the Master of Education 4) not to prefer intense Department of Student 5) ease of finding jobs for graduates 6) that can be done easily teamwork 7) that can be sent through the Erasmus students Weaknesses 1) Shortage of Publication 2) the inability to host symposium 3) the lack of a number of projects 4) As a result of team work to make a broadcast 5) it has not yet been sent abroad through the Erasmus teaching staff Deals 1) to be in solidarity with the Department of environment 2) good communication with other departments socially and dignity 3) capable of collaborating with universities abroad Threats 1) the absence of Lecturer 2) Failure to complete the restructuring of the Department of European standards 3) students come from abroad through Erasmus Department 4) a decrease in the quality of incoming students Section 5) Due to the low load over the course of a faculty member