SWOT Analysis

1. That team works are able to be done
2. That the graduate students can easily find jobs
3. That students intensely prefer the department
4. That there is an opportunity to finish undergraduate educational life
5. That the lecturers are young, active and enthusiastic
6. The harmony among the lecturers
7. That the current technology is followed for education and teaching
8. That there is a strong relationship between the lecturers and students

1. The inefficiency of social facilities
2. The little internship opportunities in the near environment
3. That the college building is out of reach to the central university campus
4. The communication with graduate students is not at the desired level

1. Having no disagreement in the department
2. Having good relationship with other departments and having prestige among them
3. Having the ability to adapt to new technology
4. That the lecturers have both public and private sector experiences

1. That the students coming from high schools are getting lower and lower educational degrees
2. That the problems caused by open admission aren’t solved
3. The problems about the internship control

Latest Update:10.08.2020