PO-1 Have basic interest about the anatomy and physiology of the eye.
PO-2 Have knowledge about the history of opticianism, the powers and responsibilities of the optician profession, health and optician terminology.
PO-3 Using the necessary computer programs, information and communication technologies at the basic level in the field of Opticianry.
PO-4 Using basic optical instruments and having sufficient information about vision devices.
PO-5 Performs a task given in the field by using the basic knowledge and skills in the field of Opticianry.
PO-6 Following the technological developments and innovations related to the field of opticianry and apply them in the work area.
PO-7 Acts in accordance with the laws, regulations, legislation regarding duties, rights and responsibilities in the field of Opticianry and develops solutions by considering professional and ethical values.
PO-8 Participates in the programs required for personal and professional development, activities and studies such as in-service training, courses and conferences.
PO-9 Have basic knowledge in the fields of eye health and diseases and transfer them through verbal communication.
PO-10 Acts in accordance with quality management and processes in the field of Opticianry and participates in these processes.
PO-11 Solves the complex and / or unforeseen problems encountered in professional practice by using his knowledge and shares them with his colleagues.
PO-12 Have sufficient knowledge on occupational safety, first aid, individual and public health and gain experience in these subjects.
PO13 Critically evaluates the basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field of Opticianry and exchange ideas with colleagues.
PO-14 Have theoretical and practical knowledge about subjects related to basic sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics).
PO-15 Uses Turkish correctly and effectively as someone who has developed language and history awareness and sensitivity and has basic knowledge of history, language and foreign language.