SWOT Analysis Strengths The high school is in the city center High school students have young, dynamic, strong and idealistic academic staff Academic and administrative staff to have technological facilities Provision of uninterrupted internet Finding other vocational colleges in our field Our associates have more opportunities to find a job in the private sector The strength of unity, solidarity and social solidarity Strong communication of academic and administrative staff with students The involvement of the students coming from the programaWeaknesses Lack of facilities for students to have sports, social and cultural activities Difficulties arising from the emergence of our program. Zübeyde Hanım School of Health and High School training in the same building Inadequate technical classes The school and the program are not well known The lack of standardization and inter-school lectures in educationOpportunities Change and development in the health sector, increase in the need for the first and urgent help due to increased accidents in the world Wide range of employmentThreats Physical distress of high school students The problem of adaptability of our students Concerns that students have been trained on separate campuses Standardization in education has not been caught.