PPT7105 / Herbicide Mode of Action


Course Code Semester   Course Type   Course Level   Course Language
Course Title Theoretical Practical ECTS
Turkish Name of the Course
Course Coordinator E Mail
Assistant Staff of the Course E Mail
Course Objective
Brief Content of the Course

Course Objectives
Course Objectives 
1To obtain knowledge about herbicides that are used largely in major crops (properties, herbicide use, use precaution, behavior in soil and in plants, toxicological properties)
2 The importance of weeds in agricultural production and an overview of weed control methods
3 Recommend pesticides (herbicides) against important weeds on their specific properties
4To apply herbicides against important weeds while taking necessary precautions to protect environment, human health and non-target organisms.
Course Category
Course Category Percentage
Mathematics and Basic Sciences
Basic Vocational Courses
Expertise /Field Courses