PPT7105 / Herbicide Mode of Action


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2 Hance, R. J., Interaction Between Herbicides and The Soil, Academic pres ENGLAND, 349p. (1980)
3 Hance, R. J., Holly, K., Weed Control Handbook. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Edinburgh, ENGLAND, 582p. (1990).
4 Naylor, R. E. L., Weed Management Handbook. Blackwell Publishing, BCPC, 423p. (2002).
5Yücer, M., 2010. Ruhsatlı Tarım İlaçları, Hasad Yayıncılık, 233 p.
6Vencil, William K., 2002. Herbicide Handbook. Weed Science Society of America, USA, 493 p.