1. Applying chemistry knowledge to other disciplines,
2. Ability of solving and identifying chemistry problems,
3. Ability of solving and planning a problem process in the direction of a defined object,
4. Ability of analyzing, interpreting and applying this interpretation to other data,
5. Ability of using modern techniques and technologies for leather production,
6. Ability of disciplinary and interdisciplinary teamwork practice,
7. Ability of behaving independently, creativity and using initiative,
8. Ability of self development by means of following artistic, scientific and technological improvements,
9. Ability of working individually and ability of communication by means of expressing his/her ideas as verbal, documental, open and natural ways,
10. Ability of having consciousness of professional and ethical responsibility,
11. Ability of having consciousness on subjects about quality,
12. Ability of following national and international artistic and technological improvements,
13. Ability of sensitivity towards environmental subjects and consistency in social interactionsns.
Skills and Competence of the Field
1. Students should be able to identify the leather and have knowledge about tanning techniques.
2. Students should be able to communicate with other departments.
3. Students should have self awareness.
4. Students should be open to develop production techniques.
5. Students should know problems and their solutions about production.
General Competences
1. Basic knowledge concerning occupation.
2. Basic knowledge concerning educational field.
3. Working ability with interdisciplinary teams.
4. Ability of implementing and using knowledge.
5. Implementing skill.